Car horoscope for the week of March 20 to March 26


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  1. Auto horoscope from 20 to 26 March
    • Aries
    • Taurus
    • Twins
    • Cancer
    • a lion
    • Virgo
    • scales
    • Scorpion
    • Sagittarius
    • Capricorn
    • Aquarius
    • Fishes

The stars dreamed of making motorists happy with a positive outlook and even tried to negotiate with forecasters. However, meteorologists are bad folk and always on their own wave - the road situation is not bad, but snow, wind, and ice phenomena will not go anywhere. By the way, this week is their holiday (in the sense, the day of the meteorologist), so the guys dispersed - they run around and offer the drivers discounted umbrellas and rubber boots at the purchase price. The week will begin in general gorgeous - the stars have counted several reasons for fun. Earth day, holiday of happiness, astrology day. In general, everyone is dancing: cars, pedestrians, traffic cops, and drivers.

Auto horoscope from 20 to 26 March


Aries, do not watch programs about traffic situations - this week you already have enough adventure. Either the squirrels are jumping on the roads (they have escaped from alcoholics again), now hares jump out of trams (these free riders can never be gotten rid of), then zebras rise from the track and declare that they need to be updated. The utility workers are right there - they are all over the roads, running around in their orange jackets and dropping buckets of white paint. Traffic cops are also on fire now - they read the horoscope, learned about the astrologer's day and decided that they needed to change their wardrobe. Okay, wands with pictures of the starry sky, but caps instead of branded caps, this is too much.


Taurus, the stars gathered their thoughts for a long time, but they realized: you can't tell everything in one horoscope. In short, here's your road forecast: the week is going to be magical. Amusing situations will be enough for the Internet, and for posterity, and for friends who are waiting for you in the garage on the weekend. By the way, if you work in a taxi service, then do not forget about your holiday. If your work is not connected with the transportation of passengers, you can just watch - cabbies ride happy (even checkers on typewriters glow with joy). By the way, if you accidentally drive into a puddle, do not rush to grumble and be indignant - maybe the car has been waiting for this moment all winter and decided to wash the wheels in an informal setting.


Gemini, it is impossible to overtake you, it is unrealistic to spray you - maybe you got into a tank rocket? On these March days, all road users will have just such a feeling - your wonderful car is racing, not paying attention to dirty snowdrifts and sad traffic cops. But cutting off cars with flashing lights is undesirable - even if they are carrying important passengers, you still will not see anyone through the tint. By the way, do not forget that this week there will be a festival of vegetarians - here they are, running around with posters on the roads and glaring angrily at the drivers who are eating barbecue or whitewash in traffic jams. Do not be offended by the "herbivores", life without meat is not sugar.


Raki, your car stands calmly in traffic jams, calmly listens to the signals of the surrounding cars and does not flinch when it sees the baton of the patrol guy. Most likely, the iron four-wheeled friend decided to adopt your habits - the chauffeurs of your zodiac sign are never nervous at all. At the end of the week, courtesy will come in handy - cultural workers day is expected and it will be great if you give a ride to someone from this fraternity. Talk about art, about painting - and the path will seem short, and you will learn a lot of new things. The main thing is that the car does not start singing in the voice of Chaliapin, dance like Michael Jackson, or even not take you to the museum instead of the garage.

A lion

Lions, there are many roads waiting for you this March week, and all of them are fun. But ask for the opinion of your beloved four-wheeled friend - maybe the car does not need entertainment, but wants to stand in a cozy garage for seven days? Moreover, traffic jams on these March days will not dissipate, and the traffic cops will absolutely go berserk - maybe they caught a cold or lost their salary, who will take them apart. But you have to go, so drink coffee for your own optimism, pour gasoline into the tank to keep the car alive and drive until you get bored. And if you get tired, then take a break in a roadside cafe, the main thing is not to buy pies for a promotion. The machine is not a dog, and will not be able to play that the filling is stale.


Virgos, there is vanity in the heavenly office - the stars decided to study earthly road signs and were completely confused. But you are a driving genius and still remember how you passed on your license. However, in modern traffic rules, the devil himself will break his leg. Soon there will be demands for pedestrians - don't go there, don't stand here, but run here. So the poor two-legged will sit behind the wheel - new traffic jams, beauty, and only (it will be especially fun if ancient old women sit in the driver's seats)! On these days, snowdrifts are expected to melt - here are fresh puddles, in which there is so much: both pieces of asphalt and cigarette butts. But the spring sky is also reflected in the muddy water - the cars happily rush forward and beep to each other.


Libra, look carefully at the road and do not listen to the murmur of the radio - nothing interesting will be told you this week in March. The stars are in a hurry to remind about the necessary things that should be in the trunk. So, write down: a rubber circle to swim across a puddle, fishing boots with a fishing rod, suddenly the puddle will be so huge that perches or crucians will start in it. And, of course, volumes of poetry - don't you know that poetry day is celebrated on these spring days, so you will shine with knowledge in another traffic jam. You can also take your hat with you - you will read poetry, substituting a hat (they will throw in so many little things that will be enough for both gasoline and new rubber).


Scorpions, raise the anchor and set off on a long voyage. Yes, yes, you heard right - on our roads on these spring days there is seas and oceans, and there is nothing for ordinary four-wheeled transport to do here. You can call a taxi and hear the opinion of the driver about the situations on the highways, and about life in general. Just do not give in if the driver starts calling you to work in his office - their work is not sugar, but sheer hassle (or do you think that your uncle's eyes are twitching at the wheel, and even his hair is gray?). Do not worry about your iron horse - the machine feels great in the garage, believe me, it has something to do.


Sagittarius, try not to deviate from the chosen route - the week of March is full of temptations. Either the friends will be impatient to take the seedlings to the dacha (strange people, half of the people have not bought seeds yet), then the boss will begin to insist that without you he will not get to important negotiations. They will also promise to pay for gasoline and throw it on top - do not give in, you and your business have a lot of things to do. If anything, you can earn extra money on random fellow travelers - there are so many of them lined up, next to the stops. Even though it's March on the calendar, the weather doesn't look like spring. Do not forget to mark the day of the astrologer and stick pictures with the moon and the sun on the car windows - the stars will certainly thank you.


Capricorns, do not be alarmed if this week they begin to "seize" the windows in the car. Just a sentimental car missed the March air and dreams of the fresh breath of spring in its interior. At the same time, you will listen to the singing of birds, not all the same to enjoy the abuse of nervous drivers in traffic jams. Ideally, of course, it is better to immediately go out of town and arrange a good rest for yourself and the car. Just imagine what beauty is now in the dachas - nature, streams, gray snowdrifts, grannies in bright kerchiefs.And not a single traffic cop, not a single pedestrian - ride back and forth until the iron horse asks home.


Aquarians, a wonderful and amazing week awaits you. At least your car has no reason to be sad. The car rolls merrily along the March roads, spraying unlucky pedestrians (and there is no need to stand on the zebra and stare around). Strange guys with colorful umbrellas are everywhere (probably the meteorologists decided to extend their holiday for all seven days). Terrible queues are expected at gas stations and car washes - all cars want to wash themselves and pour more tasty gasoline into their tanks. The patrolmen are almost invisible in these March days - the traffic cops famously disguise themselves as passers-by and, with the gestures of the magicians, take out their wands, frightening the gaping drivers.


The fish, the steering wheel are in order, the wheels are normal, the seats are soft and comfortable - the car is ready to cover tens of thousands of kilometers. But your iron friend is always in good shape - learn. There is no need to arrange races on the tracks this week - the road is not dry yet, and let the arrogant jeeps and "flashing lights" compete, you are not on your way with them. After all, the route leads to a charming place called "favorite garage". A four-wheeled horse will be grateful - in a warm stall, the machine will tenderly hum, turn on your song by itself, and even local tramps will cry out from affection (the main thing is that the neighbour's cats do not cry, their March howls are heard every day).

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