Causes of muffler breakage and repair methods


The content of the article:

  • What is the exhaust system for?
  • Possible causes of a muffler malfunction
  • Common muffler breakdowns and how to fix them
  • A temporary solution to the problem
  • Homemade muffler
  • Simple Tips

The exhaust gas design, which many call the exhaust system or simply the muffler, is a whole range of different components. Thanks to the well-coordinated work of the latter, asphyxiant gases from the engine cylinders do not leak into the car interior. Simply put, the muffler protects the driver and his passengers from harmful substances. At the same time, it cools gases, reduces their toxicity, as well as the level of exhaust noise.

What is the exhaust system for?

Despite the fact that the muffler is the most important and voluminous element in the design of the exhaust gas discharge, other auxiliary parts are also important. In short, the exhaust system will not be able to function if it is not equipped with the following auto parts:

  • exhaust manifold;
  • a catalytic converter (catalyst) designed for gasoline or diesel engines;
  • connecting pipes;
  • special rings and other small components.

It is noteworthy that the repair or complete replacement of the old catalyst with a new one is one of the primary tasks. You cannot ignore it in any way.

However, as well as the repair of other parts that make up the muffler. After all, each of them performs its function.

For example, the exhaust manifold is responsible for moving exhaust gases from the engine cylinders into a special pipe. In this case, the catalyst affects the reduction of exhaust toxicity. As for the muffler itself, it eliminates the noise that occurs when gas formations are released into the ambient atmosphere.

Also, motorists should take into account the fact that all elements of the exhaust system operate under increased load. Moreover, they are exposed to both internal and external influences. Even a small malfunction can cause serious damage. A striking example of this is the cars rushing through the streets of cities, which emit a strong roar, which can be heard from several hundred meters away. However, this is not so bad. More serious problems also occur with the exhaust system.

That is why car owners should not ignore even the smallest damage to the muffler. You can eliminate them in two ways: use the services of a service station or personally repair the exhaust system. By the way, these repair work is not difficult and many motorists can perform them. True, this will require a "pit" or garage, as well as a standard set of tools.

Possible causes of muffler malfunction

As a rule, many factors precede any breakdown of the exhaust system. But the most common ones are the following:

  • a sharply jumped pressure in the muffler;
  • regular exposure of parts to harmful chemical compounds that make up exhaust smoke;
  • tangible temperature changes;
  • various mechanical damages during the movement of the machine.

All these factors negatively affect the metal from which the muffler is made. It begins to wear out quickly and characteristic holes appear. The latter provoke not only the emergence of strong noise from under the bottom of the car, but also reduce the efficiency of the vehicle itself. The fact is that muffler malfunctions affect the operation of the engine - it can no longer function in the previous mode and spends part of the fuel idle.

Common muffler breakdowns and how to fix them

Of course, the overwhelming majority of motorists strive to repair their car as cheaply as possible. That is, by spending as little money as possible. In this case, there is only one way to save money - to carry out repair work on your own. Moreover, restoring the performance of the exhaust system does not involve the use of expensive tools and the presence of special skills and abilities from the driver.

Before proceeding with the repair of the muffler, the motorist needs to conduct a detailed inspection of it. If he discovers a serious breakdown, then it is better to immediately abandon the repair and purchase new auto parts. Otherwise, the driver runs the risk of spending a lot of time and effort, which in the end will be in vain.

In the event that the damage to the muffler turned out to be not serious (for example, its corrugated part is not affected), the motorist can safely proceed to repair. To do this, he will need to prepare a set of necessary tools and drive the car to a specially prepared place - a garage, overpass or "pit".

Often the so-called gaskets in the muffler become unusable. But in order to replace them, the exhaust system itself or its separate element should be dismantled. At first glance, this may seem like a fairly easy procedure, since the muffler has few fasteners. However, it will take several hours to dismantle it.

To make it easier for themselves, motorists should wipe all fasteners with a special tool such as WD-40 before dismantling the muffler. This will make it easier to remove them.

As for the procedure itself for replacing the gaskets, it will pass quite quickly. It is only necessary to remove the dilapidated sealing material, and carefully clean all the joints. In this case, it is worth making sure that the two planes of the muffler, which are adjacent to each other, come together tightly. If the driver has a sink on the steel flanges, he can use a heat-resistant sealant.

The muffler pipes are also subject to wear. And there are a lot of them, while they are not only straight, but also curved. As practice shows, burnout most often occurs precisely in the places of the bend. This is due to the fact that the pipe wall, which has undergone bending, becomes thinner - and, therefore, less durable under the influence of exhaust gases.

Sometimes a welding machine is required to repair a crack or a large hole in a pipe. However, many motorists have it. If you don't have one, you can always borrow it from your neighbor in the garage. Also, pipe repair can be carried out without first dismantling the muffler itself.

Often wear in the exhaust system and its body elements, such as the resonator, the muffler itself and the corrugation. In case of violation of the tightness of the latter, you should use the "grinder" and cut out the worn out part. After that, it is necessary to very accurately attach a new corrugation to the pipe and carry out welding.

When the car enthusiast has to patch holes in the muffler, a piece of metal must be removed from the problem area. In this case, experts recommend not experimenting and making a cutout in the shape of a rectangle. This will allow you to quickly prepare the patch material and at the same time take into account the overlap, which should vary between 10-15 mm. Then you should attach the finished patch to the muffler or resonator and carefully make a weld around the perimeter.

A temporary solution to the problem

But often a muffler malfunction takes motorists by surprise.To put it simply, the exhaust system starts to junk at the most inopportune moments, when the driver has neither free time for repairs, nor extra money. At the same time, he desperately needs a working car. In this case, it is possible to carry out a temporary repair of the muffler, which will help the motorist to forget about the existing problem for at least a month.

For example, the same faulty hull elements can be reanimated with a heat-resistant bandage, fiberglass, and epoxy glue. But before proceeding with gluing, you should thoroughly clean the surface of auto parts from rust and a layer of dirt. After that, it is necessary to apply gasoline or a solvent to the part to degrease it.

Homemade muffler

There are times when the poor quality of the elements of the gas release system or the inability to repair them forces individual drivers to manufacture parts on their own. In this case, the main material for them is stainless steel or ordinary steel. However, the old silencer can be partially disassembled and the same mounting brackets can be used in the future. As for the detailed design of the exhaust system, then on the Internet, as well as in specialized publications, you can find detailed drawings with detailed descriptions.

As a rule, motorists who decide to make a muffler on their own use a conventional powder fire extinguisher as a blank. They perform the following actions with him:

  • empty it and unscrew the stopcock;
  • a hole is made at the top of the body, which corresponds to the parameters of the pipe;
  • a hole is drilled in the bottom of the fire extinguisher (it should be shifted closer to the wall);
  • make holes in certain places of the pipes located inside the body.

When the new muffler is ready, it is necessary to try it on at its regular place. In the event that the holes coincide with the pipes, the structure is fixed with a welding machine.

Simple Tips

And yet, most motorists prefer not to bring the situation to the point where the muffler requires major repairs or even a complete replacement with a new one. To avoid such problems, drivers should avoid contact of the exhaust system with the road surface.

Moreover, some car owners treat the inside of the muffler with an anti-corrosion liquid. It helps to push out water and prevent rust.

If you constantly monitor the condition of the muffler and treat it with an anti-corrosion liquid, then the exhaust system will not require repairs for several years. But, unfortunately, some car enthusiasts do not even look under the bottom of their vehicle.
